Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Liberals keep whining that we are destroying our planet because of global warming, BUT if these devious deceivers and malignant misconstruers of GOD'S ...LAW would just read his WORD they would see how false their pseudo-scientific theories are.

Here's the hardcore SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE as related to me by Pastor Raftor, who is most certainly one of the great scientific minds of the 21st century:

1) At creation Adam and Eve were living in a TROPICAL PARADISE that comprised the entire world. In fact, you could get bananas off every third tree in the Garden of Eden, based upon evidence from the latest biblical research out of Bob Jones University. So the world was much hotter at creation than it is today. IPSO FACTO...Global Warming is a Myth.

2) Adam and Eve were naked before the fall. You try going around naked today in Wintertime! Can't be done. IPSO FACTO...Global Warming is a Myth.

3) Rush Limbaugh has said that there are more trees in the world today than there were 100 years ago. Trees REDUCE carbon emissions that cause global warming. Therefore we must have a much cooler planet today than we did when Theodore Roosevelt was president. IPSO FACTO...Global Warming is a Myth.

4) There are more homosexuals in the world today than there ever have been in the entire history of the human race. But everyone knows that homosexuality only arises in cold climates. There are no homosexuals south of the Mason Dixon line. And there were no homosexuals in the Garden of Eden. IPSO FACTO...Global Warming is a Myth.

5) God promised Noah that he wouldn't destroy the world again after the flood. So it is vain and foolish to think that we could do anything to hurt this incredible planet of HIS. Or are you call THE ALMIGHTY a liar? Then you are probably damned already and you have much bigger problems to worry about than so-called Global Warming! IPSO FACTO...Global Warming is a Myth.

Yes the world will come to an end as prophesized in 2 years, 3 months, 6 days, and 7 hours. But it won't be because of something ridiculous like Global Warming. At that time, God will send down the Satanic forces of DIVINE RETRIBUTION to obliterate our planet and those evil liberals, environmentalists, feminists, homosexuals, and mimes who will remain behind after the rapture.

Of course, SONS OF THE WORD like YOURS TRULY will be viewing end times from Paradise while we sip sorghum slurpees with Abraham and Moses!
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