Thursday, September 19, 2013

And Moses ascended up to the summit of Mt. Tabor and lo before him he saw a burning bush -- a bush that burned but did not get consumed (THE FIRST PROOF).

And a voice cried out unto him from the wilderness (THE SECOND PROOF) and said, "Who goest there?"

And Moses, in his great trepidation, said, "It is I, Moses, son of Levi, who formerly dwelled in the house of Pharoah, but thanks to the great miracle of the Lord (THE THIRD PROOF) has cometh unto this place."

And the voice was silent.

And Moses, trembling in fear, asked, "but who are you?"

And the voice responded, "I AM WHO AM." (THE FOURTH AND FINAL PROOF)



There can be no "I am Who Am" unless there is "I AM" first. The four proofs hing on the final proof -- the essence of being inherent in he who is and he who always has been and he who always will be. The being whose being is eternal being.

Therefore, those who deny God's existence are fools and madmen. For if he did not exist...

1) who burnt the bush? and
2) who cried out from the wilderness? and
3) who made the miracles that freed the Israelites? and
4) who is the "is" who is in the name of the Lord?

From: The Collected Sermons of Pastor Mordecai Rafter (Sweetwater, TX: Living Word Press, 2007)

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