Summer is coming to beautiful Liberty City, Kansas, and I thought I would post a reflection to get us in the right sprit of this special season:
"Those who walketh in the path of UN-righteous-NESS will trembleth in those last days when the... UN-BELIEVER will experience the FULL FURY of our LORD'S WRATH, for HE (our Lord, not the un-believer) is JUST as well as FORGIVING, but he shall not forgiveth those who spurn his ETERNAL WORD by consorting with harlots, and santanists, and men who don the garb of women for pleasure or profit, and--worst of all according to the dictates of HOLY SCRIPTURE--MIMES, MIMES, MIMES, whose filth is all pervasive and whose scorn of the LORD and his WAYS is evident through their lascivious acts and immoral attire (and who are justly condemned according to the LAW OF SACRED SCRIPTURE, the teachings of the Apostles and the prophets of the TRUE FAITH--not the Catholic Church or other APOSTATE, pseudo-Christian sects) with the worst punishment imaginable, which is nothing other than to have to remain in this web of filth, sin, and ignominy we calleth the WORLD while the TRUE MEN OF GOD get to sing "HOSANNAH, HOSANNAH, HOSANNAH to HIM (The Father, not the un-believer) for ALL ETERNITY, spared from all lures and temptations of the flesh, which we know to be INTOXICATING WINE, LACIVIOUS WOMEN, and INSIDIOUS SONG (Gen. 22:43), while the MIME--their true LORD AND SAVIOR, who really is OBAMA--strutteth around making obscene gestures in total impious silence ."
"Those who walketh in the path of UN-righteous-NESS will trembleth in those last days when the... UN-BELIEVER will experience the FULL FURY of our LORD'S WRATH, for HE (our Lord, not the un-believer) is JUST as well as FORGIVING, but he shall not forgiveth those who spurn his ETERNAL WORD by consorting with harlots, and santanists, and men who don the garb of women for pleasure or profit, and--worst of all according to the dictates of HOLY SCRIPTURE--MIMES, MIMES, MIMES, whose filth is all pervasive and whose scorn of the LORD and his WAYS is evident through their lascivious acts and immoral attire (and who are justly condemned according to the LAW OF SACRED SCRIPTURE, the teachings of the Apostles and the prophets of the TRUE FAITH--not the Catholic Church or other APOSTATE, pseudo-Christian sects) with the worst punishment imaginable, which is nothing other than to have to remain in this web of filth, sin, and ignominy we calleth the WORLD while the TRUE MEN OF GOD get to sing "HOSANNAH, HOSANNAH, HOSANNAH to HIM (The Father, not the un-believer) for ALL ETERNITY, spared from all lures and temptations of the flesh, which we know to be INTOXICATING WINE, LACIVIOUS WOMEN, and INSIDIOUS SONG (Gen. 22:43), while the MIME--their true LORD AND SAVIOR, who really is OBAMA--strutteth around making obscene gestures in total impious silence ."